
Archive for February, 2008

They Will Help

Good Morning!
I Have Been Thinking

Here’s the bottom line. If you want to become successful
copy what is already successful. You will find that true guru’s are also mentors that will go beyond just selling you their product or signing you up to join their program.

If you are sincerely working to build your business then
you are going to help build their business as well. Good mentors and I really mean the good ones will do everything they can to help you do become successful too.

The sooner you can project that image about yourself the
sooner you will be on the road to being the type of person
people want to be in business with!

These are things I do to help people make money online
and I know you will do the same as soon as you can

Opportunity is never lost
It goes To Those Ready to Accept It!


Ice Breakers
Bagging Groceries by Judy Armstrong

Sometimes, I’m in an silly mood.
When I am shopping while in this mood (and there is
no one behind me in line), I’ll try to brighten the day.
After the groceries are bagged, I ask the clerk,

“How did you bag my groceries?”

No matter what the clerk says, I respond in a
serious tone, “That’s not the way I like it done.”

This may happen one or two more times
(based on the response the clerk give). !

My final response is “I like them alphabetically.”

Thought for Today:

“Prayer is the most powerful means of overcoming any kind of discouragement. It connects you with an omnipotent, omniscient Father who loves you unconditionally, who sees where you are and is going to help you in it.

-Charles Stanley

Tips and Techniques

Don’t you just love all these self proclaimed guru’s out there? What is the one thing that sets a real guru out from the rest. Yes, there is one thing. The guru will teach you what he knows because he knows the better you learn the more it will benefit both of you. The self proclaimed guru never teaches, he only tries to sell you on something else.

Happy designing!

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What Else Do I Do

Good Morning!
I Have Been Thinking

I also make myself available for follow-up training and to answer questions after they have begun to go it alone.

This is very comforting when you begin to have your own downline and prospects looking to you for all of the answers. It took me some time to learn how to do it and no one can master it all over night.

I constantly share what is and what isn’t working in my own
personal advertising campaigns. I am the guinea pig. I spend the money and the time so my clients won’t have to.

I use my newsletters to teach people basic computer and internet marketing skills. Things like email signatures, basic website design, affiliate link cloaking, power linking, search engine techniques, importing opt-in leads, how to place classified ads in ezines, how to set-up a pay-per-click campaign and more.

What’s more the training is live, not always just an auto response or a link to a forum post. It is live, I even have my clients log in as the administrator in the conference room, then walk them through the project they are trying to get done.

Opportunity is never lost
It goes To Those Ready to Accept It!


Ice Breakers
The Wimp

I DREAD going to the dentist. Once, to ease my
tension, I listed my middle name as “Wimp.”

The receptionist read it, laughed and assured me
that many patients felt the same way.

Half an hour later, the receptionist came into the
waiting room. Looking directly at me, she said,
smiling, “The doctor will now see the wimp.”

Three other people got up with me.

Thought for Today:

“I’ve learned that you can’t give what you’ve never received. There’s no aquifer of love, there’s no distillery of faith within me, so I have to receive it.”
-Max Lucado

Tips and Techniques

What can you do to help your clients become successful? Write your list then make sure to share all of your knowledge with others. It truly is the only way to become wealthy

Happy designing!

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This Is What I do

Good Morning!
I Have Been Thinking

What is it that is done to help make people successful? I have gone so far as doing a lot of the ‘Grunt’ work at first to help people get their own home businesses started.

I make sure that I recommend programs that will do the things that I tell my new partners they will to get them off to a fast start.

I use tools with my groups for follow-up like autoresponders. I personally have written follow-up messages that have proven themselves in the market place and make them available to my new partners.

I apprentice my partners to work both on line and in their home town to find clients. Then I do the work with them so they learn while they earn. Just starting online, do you know how to design a web site? Do you know how to work with graphics programs? Do you know where to find no cost applications to help you do the work on line?

I personally call new prospects on their behalf.

I personally 3 way call new prospects with my partner for
training purposes and continue to do that until they are comfortable doing it themselves.

I help my new partners to learn how to use all of the tricks of the trade.

I help my new partners learn to build their lists. What’s more the training is live not just through autoresponder systems. Even though we are very much high tech we are still very much high touch.

Opportunity is never lost
It goes To Those Ready to Accept It!


Ice Breakers

The Game Warden stopped a deer hunter and asked
to see his hunting license.

“This is last year’s license,” the warden informed him.

“I know,” said the hunter, “but I shouldn’t need a new
license, I am only shooting at the deer I missed last year.”

Thought for Today:

“For one human being to love another: that is perhaps the most difficult of our tasks; the ultimate, the last test and proof, the work for which all other work is but preparation.”
-Rainer Maria Rilke

Tips and Techniques

Everything begins with a list!

Do you have a master list outlining what it is you want and need to learn to operate your business online?

Today, make your master list, then next to the what, write down the who. Who is the best person to learn this from. Then add the resources books, tapes, video classes. We all begin by not knowing what it is we need to know so if you sit there with a blank sheet of paper for awhile, you are not alone. It happens to everyone.

Happy designing!

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Shall I Do It For You?

Good Morning!
I Have Been Thinking

Yes, a company can offer to do things for their clients. But what good does that do? Suppose you picked up your child, never to let him learn to walk on his own, would that do the child or you any good? I know you have heard this one, “Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish and you feed him for life.”

Many centuries ago the internship program was implemented. It gives people the genuine hope that maybe they can learn from the master and someday become successful themselves.

Having read about or tried many of the “Hottest” programs in their time I became qualified to recommend those models to my clients that I know work. and to steer my clients away from programs that don’t work.

Anyone can (L)earn money online I can recommend programs and products along with the things I am doing to earn an income, so tell me, why is it so many people are tempted to follow programs that promise instant wealth for little or no work. You and I both know that if it sounds too good to be true it probably is. Please follow the advice of King Solomon if you don’t believe me, he said, “Leave the presence of a fool, or you will not discern words of knowledge.” – Proverbs 14-7 There are many out there who will offer you a lot for very little, but please be warned run from them as fast as you can.

Opportunity is never lost
It goes To Those Ready to Accept It!


Ice Breakers

A major corporation recently hired several cannibals.
“You are all part of our team now,” said the hiring rep
during the welcoming briefing. “You get all the usual
benefits and you can go to the cafeteria for something
to eat, but please don’t eat any of the other employees.”

The cannibals promised they would not.
Four weeks later their boss remarked, “You’re all
working very hard, and I’m satisfied with you.

However, one of our secretaries has disappeared.
Do any of you know what happened to her?”

The cannibals all shook their heads no.

After the boss had left, the leader of the cannibals
said to the others, “Which one of you idiots ate the

A hand raised hesitantly, to which the leader of the
cannibals continued, “You fool! For four weeks we’ve
been eating Managers and no one noticed anything,
but nooooo, you had to go and eat someone they
would miss!”

Thought for Today:
“The impossible is often the untried.”
Jim Goodwin

Tips and Techniques

What do you honestly need to know to run a business on the web? What are the most needed skills? You either need to know how to do the work yourself, or who to call to do the work for you. Do what you are really good out, then outsource the rest. You have to know two things
1. The language of the web
2. how much time and money will you have to invest

Happy designing!

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Good Morning!
I Have Been Thinking

Offer free reports to your readers. If possible position them at the very top side of your page so it they simply cannot be missed. Try to create autoresponder messages that will be mailed to those who input their personal information into your sign up box. According to researchers, a sale is more often closed after the seventh contact with a prospect.

There are two possibilities when someone visits your web page one a closed sale or two the prospect leaving the page to never return again. By placing useful information into their inboxes over a certain specified period, you will remind them of the product they expressed an interest in. You never know which message will connect at the right time and with exactly the right words unless you gain permission to talk to them again and again. It is important that the content be directed toward specific reasons to buy the product -! your product. Remember stories sell, warmpth and friendship sell, good information sells. I don’t like a sales pitch, do you?

Focus on important points like how your product can make life easier and more enjoyable. Use compelling subject lines. Your job is to convince those who signed up for your free reports that they will be missing something b-i-g if they don’t avail themselves of your products and services.

Opportunity is never lost
It goes To Those Ready to Accept It!


Ice Breakers
We had to have the garage door repaired. The Sears repairman told us that one of our problems was that we did not have a “large” enough motor on the opener. I thought for a minute, and said that we had the largest one Sears made at that time, a 1/2 horsepower.

He shook his head and said, “Lady, you need a 1/4 horsepower.” I responded that 1/2 was larger than 1/4. He said, “NO, it’s not.” Four is larger than two..”

Thought for Today:
“Joy is what happens when we allow ourselves to recognize how good things really are.”

Marianne Williamson
Author of A Return To Love

Tips and Techniques

One of the skills you must learn and learn well is how to use an auto responder system. You can choose to pay a company monthly like awebber to host your autoresponders or you can purchase a system and run it on your own server. Whichever you choose the planning is the same.

Write the sales or landing page
Set up the auto responder with 7 – 10 messages
Set up a redirect page to a thank you page

Happy designing!

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Internship Is Not Dead

Good Morning!
I Have Been Thinking

As I think back on my first year in internet marketing and
network marketing online this thought comes to mind.

Every program I joined I did so not because the program promised instant success or even big money. The programs I joined and stuck with were a direct result of my sponsor helping me become successful. When there was no one there to talk to, no one there to answer my questions, I dropped the program like a hot potato.

Many companies and their representatives make it easy to be in business with them. But, I have to say there are so many more that make it easy to join but very difficult to even earn back an investment much less become successful with their service or product.

Even though the internet and marketing on the internet have been around for 12 – 15 years now, most people joining an internet marketing or network marketing program do not have the skill level to do what is required to become successful in that business.

I can’t help but find a whole lot of humer in people who buy books and tapes hoping their will learn everything in them by osmosis. This week I will share with you some of my favorite strategies.

Opportunity is never lost
It goes To Those Ready to Accept It!


Ice Breakers
New Job

After I joined my Navy husband on his tour of duty in
Japan, I looked for a job to supplement our income.
I was pleased when my first interview netted a
secretarial position at the nearby Army facility. I was
sure my typing skills had landed me the post.

But a few weeks later my boss, a full colonel, called
me into his office and told me I was too quiet. “The
reason I hired you,” he explained, “was your delightful
Texas accent. I’m homesick for someone who can talk

Thought for Today:

“Nurture your mind with great thoughts, for you will never go any higher than you think.”
Benjamin Disraeli
British Statesman and Prime Minister

Tips and Techniques

Check out the list of skills you think you need to have in order to efficiently work on the Internet. Do you know what they are? How many of them do you master

Happy designing!

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Internship Is Not Dead

Good Morning!
I Have Been Thinking

As I think back on my first year in internet marketing and
network marketing online this thought comes to mind.

Every program I joined I did so not because the program promised instant success or even big money. The programs I joined and stuck with were a direct result of my sponsor helping me become successful. When there was no one there to talk to, no one there to answer my questions, I dropped the program like a hot potato.

Many companies and their representatives make it easy to be in business with them. But, I have to say there are so many more that make it easy to join but very difficult to even earn back an investment much less become successful with their service or product.

Even though the internet and marketing on the internet have been around for 12 – 15 years now, most people joining an internet marketing or network marketing program do not have the skill level to do what is required to become successful in that business.

I can’t help but find a whole lot of humer in people who buy books and tapes hoping their will learn everything in them by osmosis. This week I will share with you some of my favorite strategies.

Opportunity is never lost
It goes To Those Ready to Accept It!


Ice Breakers
New Job

After I joined my Navy husband on his tour of duty in
Japan, I looked for a job to supplement our income.
I was pleased when my first interview netted a
secretarial position at the nearby Army facility. I was
sure my typing skills had landed me the post.

But a few weeks later my boss, a full colonel, called
me into his office and told me I was too quiet. “The
reason I hired you,” he explained, “was your delightful
Texas accent. I’m homesick for someone who can talk

Thought for Today:

“Nurture your mind with great thoughts, for you will never go any higher than you think.”
Benjamin Disraeli
British Statesman and Prime Minister

Tips and Techniques

Check out the list of skills you think you need to have in order to efficiently work on the Internet. Do you know what they are? How many of them do you master? Skills not talent will get you through, and my friend skills can be learned.

Happy designing!

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Good Morning!
I Have Been Thinking

Here is a strategy to use when doing effective article marketing. Use unique web pages to promote each separate product you are marketing. It is best to have a site focusing on each and every product.

There is nothing so unique as including a product reviews on the website so visitors will have an initial understanding on what the product can do and how exactly you have used them. Include testimonials from users who have already tried the product. You don’t have any testimonials you say! Give some of the product away. Be sure that these customers are more than willing to allow you to use their names and photos on the site of the specific product you are marketing. Simply ask them to review the product themselves and let you know how they liked it.

Writing articles highlighting the uses of the product is far more saleable to you readers than a sales page. Make the pages attractive compelling and include calls to act on the information.

Each headline should attract the readers to try and read more, even contact you. Highlight your special points. This will help your readers want to learn more. The article could be given away. It’s nothing more than the Internet’s fax on deman technology.

Opportunity is never lost
It goes To Those Ready to Accept It!


Ice Breakers
A man was telling his neighbor, ‘I just bought a new hearing aid. It cost me four thousand dollars, but it’s state of the art. It’s perfect.’

‘Really,’ answered the neighbor, ‘What kind is it?’

‘Twelve thirty.’

Thought for Today:

“It’s always too early to quit.”
Norman Vincent Peale

Tips and Techniques

You use products and services every day. Which of them do you really like? Which of them can you talk about freely?

Do a search for an affiliate program that markets the products on your list.

Write articles about those products that would link back to the affiliations you have developed.

It is that simple! But, because it is simple most people won’t do it.

Happy designing!

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Hello world!

Welcome to WordPress.com. This is your first post. Edit or delete it and start blogging!

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How About It

Good Morning!
I Have Been Thinking

Now let me tell you a little secret. These marketers don’t write these articles and post them only on their own websites.

First, they write their articles and at the same time allow others to reprint them freely. These articles may even be forwarded to more people and these other people can also forward them to even more people. Provided the content of the articles are not changed or modified, they can continue to send traffic to your site and provides more and more name recognition for you. In short, these articles become viral.

Submit your articles to various article directories and online publishers to get maximum exposure. The more publishers you can find, the more audience you can reach. If you are providing that audience the information they want without a lot of fluff your audience can grow exponentially.

Think abou! t it. If the pros are doing it and they are getting tons of traffic and sales, then you too can have the same privilege – but only if you follow their footsteps.

Wouldn’t you want to generate sales without having to pay a single red cent?

If the answer is a resounding ‘yes’, then consider article marketing seriously.

Stay tuned and we will go over the steps that need to be done.

Opportunity is never lost
It goes To Those Ready to Accept It!


Ice Breakers
Three old guys are out walking.

First one says, ‘Windy, isn’t it?’

Second one says, ‘No, it’s Thursday!’

Third one says, ‘So am I. Let’s go get a beer.’

Thought for Today:
All beginnings require that you unlock a new door.

Rabbi Nachman of Bratslav

Tips and Techniques
OK, now you have a list of article directories, and you have an article or two that you have written. Now go post your articles to the directories. It is that simple, you just have to do it.

Happy designing!

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